Welcome to Hearts in Harmony
We'd love your support for four fantastic causes - Blood Cancer UK, Hft, Meningitis Now & ThisIsLuke - and in return, you'll be watching an equally fantastic folk concert.
You can buy tickets from any of the "BOOK NOW" links, on any of the pages, and we'd love it if you could spread the word and share the concert with as many people as possible - every ticket brings in money to help others.
Browse away! Or, Have a look at the How To/FAQ page for a walk-through of the website, and the event - to tell you more...
The concert will begin streaming at 7pm on Tuesday 6th July 2021. You'll have two weeks to watch the event from then.
Your ticket gets you access to the full concert, which features performances from a range of amazing musicians, along with exclusive background content!
On this site, as well as being the route to buying your tickets, you'll find information on the Causes that are being supported, The Performers, as details on how you'll be able to watch, along with other FAQs.